Competitive Philosophy


Pee-Wee Basketball

Coming December 2014

Contact us for registration info!

  • Cougar Basketball News:

    What a great year for Cougar Basketball - can't wait the 2016 / 2017 season!


    Stay tuned for registration and practice information!

  • Registration

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  • Team Photos

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Cougar Youth Sports basketball program was created to teach children in the community the fundamentals of basketball including teamwork, self-discipline, physical fitness and commitment. Our goal is to provide our players a positive environment in which to excel on the court but also in life. We strive to nurture an atmosphere that reinforces the positive values and benefits of participating in team sports.


We draw on experience from our coaching staff which has coached on varying levels from Pee Wee through the highest levels of high school basketball. We firmly believe that we must first make basketball fun in order to fully reach each players potential. We strive to give each player the attention that they need to improve on their basic basketball fundamentals.  Teaching basic passing, dribbling, shooting and defense allow our players to grow at their own pace while still pushing each player to be the best that they can.

Through hard work, dedication and unwavering effort, Cougar Youth Sports strive for competitive excellence in basketball.


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Grade: 3-4


Coming December 2014

Contact us for registration info!

Grade: 3-4


Coming December 2014

Contact us for registration info!